
295461_328609933886842_1680888979_nAlpha Nerds Productions is a film production company founded and run by Samuel LaPointe and Drew Malone. Based in Crown Point, NY, we have an ever expanding group of excellent talent being brought into our projects. Our most famous project thus far is the series “Somewhere Upstate”, with another series on the way, and some short films that have received great praise.We are closely allied with another Crown Point production studio, “CPCS Film Club” which until quite recently consisted of the entirety of the AN Productions staff, therefore please check out their page to see all the great work we did before forming our own studio (one independent from school that is).

The name Alpha Nerds comes from a social organization formed by Sam, Drew, and Jimmy back in high-school on the night of a quiz bowl match, wherein we all bought action figures and took photographs of them. We then commented we were so nerdy, we were like “Alpha Nerds”. From there a logo was drafted, and a script for an Alpha Nerds movie.

While that script has fallen by the wayside, we came up with an idea roughly inspired by it for a sketch web-series. We filmed two episodes, then changed the format to be more narrative. This series was called “Somewhere Upstate”. So when it came time to name our new studio as we continued on with new episodes, the choice was clear.

Our projects will only get bigger and better from here on, so stay with us true believer, and as always we welcome your support and comments.

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